From Poland, was chaperoned daily to a brothel in Italy and her movements were controlled.
read moreRENATE network member Marjana Meshi, Executive Director at ‘Different and
Equal,’ Tirana, Albania and Dr. Silvie Bovarnik – Research Fellow at the
Safer Young Lives Research, Center (SYLRC) at the University of
Bedfordshire, UK are holding an online webinar next Monday, 22 November
2021, 13:00-13:50 (CET).
This promises to be a most valuable and informative webinar, on the
theme “Facilitating participatory action research with young survivors
of trafficking and sexual violence” and is a prestigious side event in
the frame of the “High-level meeting of the General Assembly on the
progress achieved in the implementation of the United Nations Global
Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons, 22-23 November 2021”
To register: http://differentandequal.org/en/event-registration/
Link to connect to the event: