World Day against Trafficking in Persons, July 30, 2022,

On the United Nations World Day against Trafficking in Persons, July 30,
2022, let’s join with Talitha Kum in this awareness-raising campaign ”The Power of Care. ” The campaign brings together the voices of sisters and collaborators of the Talitha Kum Networks, in sharing stories of care and hope across the social media networks, promoting
“The Power of Care.”
Also on this day, Talitha Kum is making the “Nuns Healing Hearts” photo
exhibit accessible to all online at [1]
Below are some directions for visiting the virtual exhibition:
1. Select the language at the bottom of the screen.
2. Enter through the portal and follow the 360-degree arrow (white dot). You
will be able to rotate the screen 360 degrees in all directions.
3. Click on the photos or banners.

Enjoy your visit and share the exhibition link with your friends and


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