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Mary Immaculate College Limerick, reveals the reality of Human Trafficking in Ireland- in report launched 28 April 2021.

A new report from researchers at Mary Immaculate College (MIC) has examined the true scale of human trafficking on the island of Ireland, illustrating that there are substantially more victims of human...

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”A hidden army of ‘very brave nuns’ fight child trafficking.”- NBC News feature.

As part of the Keeping the Faith series, NBC’s Cynthia McFadden tells the story of strong women who have been working mostly in the shadows until now. Focusing on the...

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Upgrade of APT/AMRI Resources

On Monday, 12 April 2021, APT/AMRI general meeting adopted the revised and updated resources available for presentations on anti-human trafficking information and awareness-raising initiatives, by APT/AMRI members. A working group...

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APT/AMRI participate at Commission on the Status of Women, UN NGOCSW65 Virtual Forum, 18 & 25 March 2021.

Thanks to the generosity of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd members at the UN, APT/AMRI was affoarded the opportunity to share about our anti-human...

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Saving Women from Human Trafficking- Eilis Coe, rsc.

The 1 March 2021 edition of Ireland’s national magazine, The Woman’s Way, features an informative and thought-provoking feature entitled ”Saving Women from Human Trafficking.” Ranging back through the early years...

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Series of International online webinars on Human Trafficking in light of the 5th anniversary of Laudato ‘Si and of Fratelli Tutti encyclicals.

Once again, the Ad Laudato ‘Si Forum convenes leading lights in the work to combat Human Trafficking, by means of a series of Tuesday night webinars, commencing 16 February and...

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APT/AMRI celebrate Mass – International day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking

APT/AMRI (Act to Prevent Trafficking) celebrated Mass on national TV, Monday, 8 February 2021, to honour the feast of St. Jospehine Bakhita, the International day of Prayer and Awareness against...

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Join with us in the global online prayer marathon 8 February 2021. Mass @ 10:30 (BST), online Monday 8 February 2021.

As part of the global online prayer marathon to mark the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking and feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, Patron saint of...

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UNODC launch 2020 Global Report on Trafficking in Human Beings (February 2021).

Advances in technology and the COVID-19 crisis have made millions more people vulnerable to trafficking, says the UNODC whose 2020 TIP report launched 2 February 2021.   Traffickers have integrated...

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Toolkit of resources and activities to raise awareness about human trafficking- CCOHT.

The Coalition of Catholic Organisations in the United States of America against Human Trafficking (CCOHT) and  the Migration and Refugee Services of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops share a...

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