“Zena”, a woman Ruhama has supported, tells her story – from being trafficked into Ireland to moving into a new...
read moreViolence against women and girls is an expansive and overwhelming issue complicated by the intersections of discrimination, objectification and abuse. Raising awareness of this pervasive crisis is one of the...
Needing to learn more about supply chains and labour trafficking? A useful link is https://www.stronger2gether.org/ Stronger2gether is a multi-stakeholder initiative, which aims to reduce modern slavery by providing guidance, resources,...
MECPATHS Ireland sends us news of their outstanding event which they co-organised with the governmental Department of Justice and Equality, held in the Courthouse, Washington Street, Cork city, on...
Dame Sara Thornton was appointed as the UK’s Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner by the Secretary of State following consultation with the Scottish Ministers and the Department of Justice in Northern Ireland....
The yearly EU Anti-Trafficking Day on 18 October makes both policymakers and the general public reflect upon the response to trafficking in human beings in Europe. States still face challenges...
APT/AMRI member Eilis Coe together with 86 delegates from 48 countries, representatives of 52 Talitha Kum networks committed to work to end trafficking in persons on all continents, gathered in...
Stop Trafficking. Want to know more about Child Trafficking globally? Then your best option is to access the September 2019 issue of Stop Trafficking which is available at the following...
Ten RENATE members, including our APT/AMRI member Eilis Coe, RSC, enjoyed a wonderful retreat at Mount St. Joseph Retreat House in Mosta, Malta. Fr. Paul Pace, SJ, led the Retreat...
The 2019 Season of Creation began Sunday, 1 September and runs through to October 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. According to Pope Francis, this “is a time...
Law criminalising the purchase of sex is in women’s best interests- authorities need to ensure exploiters are targeted and the exploited protected. Mia de Faoite, Irish Times 28 August 2019....