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Cork Against Human Trafficking (CorkAHT) event for 30 July 2024.

APT Ireland members Noreen O’ Shea, OLCGS, and Ms. Lynda Kelly, APT’s cAPTives Programme Coordinator, together with Winifred Doherty, OLCGS, were delighted to be a part of this year’s event...

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30 July 2024- UN World Day against Trafficking in Persons.

APT members turned out in strength as together with 70+ people across Europe, they attended the RENATE network’s annual online Prayer Service to mark the UN World Day against Trafficking...

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New Legislation enacted in Ireland to support victims of Human Trafficking.

On 4 July 2024, Ireland enacted legislation which introduced a new national referral mechanism (NRM), through the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Human Trafficking Bill) 2023. This legislation will put...

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Launch RENATE Law research ‘Legal Practitioners’ work with Victims of Human Trafficking:- Training required to undertake this work and resources to aid them in five countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain and Great Britain.’

Congratulations to our RENATE Europe Network colleagues on the successful launch of their latest law research, which took place 4 July 2024. RENATE Co-President Marie Power, HFB, warmly welcomed all...

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Discussions on what the TIP 2024 report holds for Ireland.

Image: Courtesy of Susan Daily, IBVM. For the 3rd year, Our Lady of Apostles Congregation (OLA) & the Society of African Missions (SMA) convened a webinar to consider the latest...

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APT presence at Santa Marta -An Garda Siochana Leadership Summit, Cork, 26/27 June 2024.

Photo: L to R:Bishop Alan McGuckian, (Down & Connor), Cardinal Vincent Nicholls, President Santa Marta group & Bishop Fintan Gavin, (Cork & Ross). It was valuable to have joined so...

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APT presence at the National Stakeholder Forum on the SDGs- Croke Park, Dublin, 6 June 2024.

‘’Transformative Education for Sustainable Development:- Reaching the Furthest Behind.’’ Primary factors which increase vulnerability to human trafficking and exploitation are gender, age, ethnic minority, abuse and disabilities. Many of the...

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Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery Conference, NUI Maynooth, Ireland, 14 June 2024.

On 14 June 2024, The School of Law and Criminology and Research Centre in International Justice, NUI Maynooth, together with colleagues from the Department of Social Studies , NUI Maynooth...

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COMECE issues position paper on strengthening Europe’s democratic culture through values.

The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) released its position paper titled “Strengthening the Culture of Democracy through Values” on Friday, May 31, 2024. This document, developed by...

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Insights from APT Ireland Treasurer Mr. Brian O’ Toole, who represented the RENATE Europe Network at the 2nd Talitha Kum Assembly which took place in Rome, 18-24 May 2024.

Below are links to two features from Brian, the first being his reflection on the SATA Awards held on 23 May in the Augustinianum in Rome with a gathered audience...

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