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On the Streets of South Africa

Two young men, called Robbie and Kyle, have spent every Friday night for the past ten years, rescuing women who are victims of human trafficking in Cape Town, South Africa. One of...

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Prostitution as Exploitation

An editorial in “*The Guardian*” newspaper reflects on the decision of the French parliament to criminalize the buying of sex. Having noted the objections and arguments put forward by those who disagree...

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The Santa Marta Group

The Santa Marta Group, founded in 2014, is an alliance of international police chiefs and Bishops from all over the world who work with civil society to eradicate human trafficking and provide...

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France Criminalizes Buying Sex

“You don’t hire a woman like you hire a car. Our society should no longer tolerate it.” These are the words of the head of the French socialist party on 6 April...

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200 Women Trafficked by Diplomat

A former Kuwaiti ambassador to Zimbabwe has been charged with human trafficking after his role in luring two hundred women from Zimbabwe to Kuwait came to light. These women had been offered...

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Mission to Combat Trafficking

APT is a founding member of RENATE (Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation) and our partner organisations in this network are doing excellent work across Europe to eradicate the scourge...

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Very Large Numbers of People Trafficked in South Africa

In an article in a journal with the odd name *Inquisitr*, writer Jinger Jarrett claims that human trafficking causes about 30,000 people to be sold into slavery every year in South...

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Pope Francis and the Anti-Trafficking Movement

It is widely known that one of the high priorities for Pope Francis is the issue of trafficking. Quite frequently in his talks and writings he cries out in protest against this...

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RTE Investigates: Sex for Sale

On Monday 30th November, RTE broadcast a documentary at 9.35pm titled ‘Sex for Sale’. This documentary was an eye opener into the link between organized prostitution and organized crime, money laundering, gender inequality...

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Anti-Trafficking Youth Conference

A hundred youth leaders from around the world met last month in the Vatican to commit themselves more earnestly than ever to fight against human trafficking. This so-called “industry” is believed to...

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