From Poland, was chaperoned daily to a brothel in Italy and her movements were controlled.
read moreTrafficking of people for sexual exploitation is a worldwide phenomenon. It is well-known that it takes place in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Africa is no exception. The 2014 “Trafficking...
Sister Maura’s work as a medical doctor and specialist in community health took her to 83 countries from the time she joined the Medical Missionaries of Mary in 1950 until...
An interesting and exciting event recently took place at the City Hall in Durban, South Africa. At 6.00 a.m. on 02 May 2015, the South African Police Service hosted the...
On Tuesday, 14th of April, at the invitation of our colleague, Fr Paddy Dundon CSSp members of APT went to the Spiritan community in Kimmage to give a presentation on...
On Sunday 26th April, Fr. Gerry Campbell will begin a 105km run through the diocese of Armagh. Over four days, Fr. Gerry will run from the Bann to the Boyne...
One of the challenges in rescuing young people who have become victims of traffickers is finding ways in which those who have escaped can find work to support themselves. A...
In an interesting column in The National Catholic Reporter, of March 20, 2015, the U.S. Jesuit Fr. Thomas Reese provides some background on how Pope Francis became so committed on the...
“We cannot be complacent and think that this is an issue which does not really affect us here in Ireland.” In her address to the Garda conference on human trafficking...
“We have a responsibility to effectively challenge and tackle trafficking which exists in Europe because wealthy countries are a source of demand for human trafficking.” These words were spoken by...
The whole issue of trafficking is a very controversial one. There are the campaigners like us in APT, and in many other organizations, who engage in raising awareness about this...