I wake to the sound of pounding. My mother is pounding groundnuts. She’s singing, her song keeping time with her...
read moreOn Monday 31 August 2020, Talitha Kum host an online webinar ”Conversations among women of faith- on human dignity, freedom and care.” The webinar will be in English with translation available in both French and Spanish.
Keynote speakers will be Sr. Gabriella Bottani; Ven. Dhammananda
Bhikkihuni, Assoc. Professor Dr. Chatsuman Kabilsingh, Buddhist nun from
Thailand; Rev. Sr. Veronica Openibo, leader of the Society of the Holy
Child Jesus; Feride F.G. Gencaslan, President of the European Centre for
Sufism and Inter-religious encounters-Sufi; Hedva Goldschmidt, Film
distributor, Co-founder of WOMEN of FAITH for Peace; Fatima Madaki
Abubakar, Founder, Educational and Sustainable Livelihood Youth
Initiative North Nigeria,
with greeting from H.E. Calista Gingrich, US Ambassador to the Holy See
and final remarks from Sr. Patricia Murray, IBVM, UISG Executive
The link to participate:
Meeting ID: 891 1963 6828