RENATE members at APT/AMRI attend Retreat at Manresa, Dublin.
The retreat in Manresa, Dublin, guided by Fr Paul Pace SJ, was an experience of peace and reflection. The meditations grounded my work of anti-human trafficking in the context of my charism and mission as a Sister of Charity. Reflecting and sharing with the group on Jesus and his mission of mercy, as outlined by Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, strengthened my resolve to continue with renewed courage. Thank you, RENATE, for this wonderful gift. Eilís Coe, RSC. Member of RENATE Core Group.
Below are some additional comments shared by participants at the Retreat.
- ”I was not in good space going into the APT weekend retreat, even tempted to cancel at the last minute. How grateful I am that I persevered. The quiet, the helpful input and the shared prayer & reflection gave me renewed life and a renewed commitment to our work in APT. Thank you, RENATE, for enabling this blessed oasis of hope.”
- ”It was a powerful experience being with others who were focused and praying for all those involved in the trafficking trade. The sharing and input was also very life-giving. I am most grateful to have had this opportunity.”
- “I never realized our need to reflect on the spirituality of our approach in working against Human Trafficking until the time away on this retreat. I too need conversion. Many thanks.”
- ”It was wonderful to have the opportunity to be in a different space – it brought a sense of peace in an oasis.”